
TCO Calc BackUp

The Lyve Cloud Backup Storage TCO Calculator demonstrates how much you can save on data storage and protection costs compared to typical public S3 storage offerings.

As customer environments and backup methods vary, the cost displayed by the calculator is merely an estimation. About the Calculator: A scale-out data repository for backup/restore, data protection, and disaster recovery, Lyve Cloud features single-tier, capacity-based pricing with no API traffic expenses, no egress costs for moving data, and no bandwidth or network limitations or costs.

An effortless, S3-compatible API, the security of replication, encryption, and immutability, and highly available global infrastructure make Lyve Cloud a vital part of any data protection and business continuity plan.

The Backup Storage TCO Calculator demonstrates how much you can save on data storage and protection costs compared to typical public S3 storage offerings.

As customer environments and backup methods vary, the cost displayed by the calculator is an estimate.

For a more comprehensive cost savings assessment, we encourage you to fill out the form to talk to one of our Seagate storage experts.

Our calculation relies on the 3-2-1-1 backup example with daily incremental backups, as well as weekly and monthly full backups.

Additional savings from the cost of colocation, nearline backup storage devices, licenses and services, recurring data migration tasks, and labor are not reflected in these calculations.

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