Lower Costs and Drive Better Outcomes with a Single Vendor for Multiple IT Services

The last two years have seen IT rise to the challenge of rapidly supporting new ways of working and collaborating, both in-office and remotely. Forward-looking organizations are rethinking how they deploy and optimize IT resources, and a growing percentage are turning to trusted partners for help.

New IDC research examines how organizations are moving important PC-related IT functions to trusted service partners to improve their organizations’ resiliency, enhance business processes, and improve employee experiences. Moreover, the research shows that organizations that buy multiple services from a single vendor often reap the largest benefits.

Based on a multicountry survey and in-depth interviews, key findings from IDC’s analysis show that:

  • Companies that purchase and use multiple services from a single vendor gain cost savings of 53% annually, or as much as $176 per year per device. A primary contributing factor is integration across the “seams,” which are the zones between services.
  • The more services a company buys, the better the experiences and value it can derive from the devices connected to those services. Those buying the most services are 75% more likely to “leverage benefits” as compared with those purchasing the fewest services. There is virtually no evidence of diminishing returns.

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