
IoT Now Magazine Q3 2022: Why cellular IoT is entering a new era of sustainability, security and mass scale

IoT hasn’t become too big to fail, it’s too useful for that.

The deal struck by Telit with Thales to create Telit Cinterion as a new modules-to- connectivity provider, and the funds heading to Thales as a consequence, plus the US$1.2bn Semtech is spending to acquire Sierra Wireless, demonstrate that IoT is no longer a speculative punt, a market fuelled by pilot projects, most of which fail. The famous Beecham Research statistic of a few years ago that 75% of all IoT projects fail now needs updating as a growing proportion of IoT projects succeed.

Inside this issue:

TALKING HEADS: Tele2 IoT’s Cyril Deschanel tells Kaleido Intelligence’s Steffen Sorrell how cellular IoT is turning a corner with the emergence of massive IoT capabilities

EUROPEAN IoT: George Malim finds Europe’s IoT market doubling down on investment to make the IoT mass market a reality

iSIM REPORT: Our 7-page report on integrated SIM starts here as we explain why the future is integrated

MANUFACTURING REPORT: Our 7-page report reveals how OEMs are driving efficiency for and with IoT

MWC22 LAS VEGAS PREVIEW: Tony Savvas shares the highlights of GSMA’s new Las Vegas event

CASE STUDY: ChargeNode gets ready to meet the demands of EV charging at mass scale and Kigen explains how IoT is powering smart tracking for micro-mobility in smart cities

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