
Driving Profitability in Manufacturing: 5 Successful Customer Portals

A customer self-service portal is essential when it comes to offering unified solutions that improve customer experience and drive profitability while at the same time lowering the cost of growth and minimizing downtime. Providing modern, user friendly, and secure portals that simplify complexity enables manufacturers to:

  • improve after-sales experiences while reducing costs
  • engage customers with powerful personalization
  • streamline complex purchasing experiences

Being able to self-manage accounts, access knowledge, and solve problems independently are de facto standards of the industry, underscored by the fact that 90% of consumers now expect a customer portal for customer service. A customer self-service portal unifies the right tools in one solution and enables manufacturers to stay connected to their customers and scale for growth. Let’s take a close look at five real-life examples and how these businesses leveraged a powerful platform like Liferay Digital Experience Platform (DXP) to build customer portals that improve customer satisfaction and generate revenue. 

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