
The Ultimate Survival Guide to SOC 2 Compliance

As security assurance experts, we have helped hundreds of CTOs at SaaS companies navigate SOC 2. Almost all of them tell a similar story: SOC 2 went from a distant nice-tohave to an absolutely-must-have-yesterday in the space of a single RFP or new business opportunity.

Suddenly, you need to become a SOC 2 expert and steer your company through the process ASAP. And the clock is ticking.

A quick search will tell you that there’s no lack of information out there about SOC 2. In fact, there’s too much. Unfortunately, most of it is complicated and confusing. After spending an hour or two learning the basics, you may feel less confident and informed than you did at the start.

That’s why we created this quick-start guide—to help you cut through the clutter and focus on what you really need to know. It was written specifically for technology executives at SaaS companies who have little time, limited resources and no prior experience with the SOC 2 Type 1 or Type 2 audit.

We’ll introduce you to the basic terminology, tell you exactly what to expect at each step of the process and share tips that reduce your level of effort, shorten your timelines and help you focus on what really matters. 

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